
G.O.D.D.E.S.S Programme

The Goddess Programme

The Goddess programme is the ultimate self-love and body confidence offering. Extensive and all-encompassing, it allows you to explore a more positive relationship with yourself, providing complete 1:1 support at every step.

Together, we will work on your mindset, self-acceptance, and self-care. I believe in working from the inside out and the outside in—a holistic approach to who we are, how we look, and how we feel.

With added extras such as self-care kits, improve your money mindset, movement, diet, and a menopausal workshop, it’s everything you need to elevate your life and self-esteem. Your goddess experience begins here…

Overwhelmed or...

  • You haven’t had the time to think about yourself, you’ve always put everyone else’s wellbeing before your own
  • You speak negatively about yourself every single day
  • You compare yourself to others
  • You don’t make time for any self-care and can’t remember the last time you had a treatment of any kind
  • You want to lose weight but cant find the motivation and nothing seems to work
  • You feel uncomfortable in your body 
  • You have deep routed negative self talk because of throw away comments from friends and family
  • You lack energy

this or this


  • Putting yourself first doesn’t have to take up all your precious time. Get access to simple lifestyle tweaks that will help improve your wellbeing.
  • No longer talk negatively to or about yourself
  • Stop dieting for good and learn how to intuitively eat and enjoy food.
  • Enjoy in-person or distance energetic work as well as tools to create a self-care routine that’s easy to stick to
  • Learn how to sustainably lose weight by loving yourself there, rather than shaming yourself.
  • Finally walk into a room, not worrying about what you look like
  • Create new stories about you and your body that will give you the confidence you’ve always deserved
  • Learn ways to boost your energy for good


I’m Jessie

Rediscover started with a promise. As someone who once suffered from Body Dysmorphia, I understand firsthand the pain and darkness that comes with it. But I made a promise to myself to help others overcome this and find their own path to self-love. As a body-affirming therapist and self-love specialist , I’ve witnessed the transformative power of loving what you look like on both the outside and inside. It’s not easy, but it’s worth it. Together, let’s break down years of self-loathing and unrealistic beauty standards and help you become the confident, beautiful woman you were always meant to be.

When we partner up, you’re collaborating with someone who truly cares about your journey to body confidence. For over 20 years, I’ve been helping women feel better in their own bodies, and I bring a wealth of experience to the table. As a certified body confidence coach, I can help you find the person that truly reflects who you are. With over 15 years in the beauty industry, I’ve worked with women of all shapes and sizes, and I know how to make you feel beautiful inside and out. My background in nursing and additional qualification as a menopause wellness practitioner has given me a deep understanding of the changes women go through during transformational stages in their lives.

But what really sets me apart is how I view the human body – as a vessel to our souls. Despite working in the beauty industry I never judge on appearances – you are so much more than that. So if you’re ready to rediscover your body confidence, let’s grab a virtual coffee together and make it happen.


Jessie has a way of making you feel a million dollars! She’s kind, patient and lovely!


I can recommend Jessie with 100% confidence – she’s really helping me get my mojo back!



the all encompassing,1:1 body confidence programme, that’s spread over 6 months

What’s included

transform yourself from the outside in and the inside out


Discover new perspectives and embrace a more compassionate, self-loving you with pre-recorded content, lovingly guiding you through each step of my G.O.D.D.E.S.S theory. 

Each month, you’ll receive a new chapter, allowing you to delve deeply into each step at your own pace. With monthly content, you’ll have the time to truly practice and internalise each chapter, helping you to become more body confident and successful in your journey.


    Receive monthly in-person or distant Reiki sessions to harmonise the inner energetic workings of your body, promoting the healing of negative beliefs and past narratives.

    Full access to body confidence meditations and EFT sessions to beautifully accompany your self-care journey and calm the nervous system.

    Elevate your self-care ritual with an At-Home Facial, complete with a step-by-step lesson and a holistic facial product selection, delivered directly to your door.

    Reawaken & Redifine

    Embracing and working on your body confidence and mindset is essential for a fulfilling and meaningful life. If this journey were easy, recordings and books would suffice, but complemented with psychological support through 1:1 coaching, you’ll be empowered to make lasting changes to the way you think and speak about yourself.

    Monthly coaching sessions will help you uncover the reasons why you feel the way you do about yourself. It’s the perfect supplement to your pre-recorded chapters, enabling you to embody self-love and witness its transformative impact on your life.


      Do you want to get out of your own way, stop beating yourself up, and be the kind of woman who makes herself proud every day?

      Do you want to be the woman who can walk into any room and not have to be consumed by her inner thoughts.

      Do you want more energy, more mind space, more presence?

      Do you want to finally stop overthinking about food?

      Do you want to finally stop hating your body and start living the life you’re meant to be living right now?

      Do you want to get out of your own way, stop beating yourself up, and be the kind of woman who makes herself proud every day?

      Do you want to be the woman who can walk into any room and not have to be consumed by her inner thoughts.

      Do you want more energy, more mind space, more presence?

      Do you want to finally stop overthinking about food?

      Do you want to finally stop hating your body and start living the life you’re meant to be living right now?

      It’s time to break free from your own limitations and become the empowered woman who inspires herself every day.

      Say goodbye to self-consciousness and embrace your inner confidence.

      Unlock a new level of vitality, mental clarity, and overall presence in your life.

      Discover a life where you’re in control of your choices, enjoying food without guilt or obsessive thoughts.

      It’s time to break free from the cycle of self-hate and start embracing your body. Experience the freedom to live the life you deserve, fully accepting and loving yourself in the present moment.

      It’s time to break free from your own limitations and become the empowered woman who inspires herself every day.

      Say goodbye to self-consciousness and embrace your inner confidence.

      Unlock a new level of vitality, mental clarity, and overall presence in your life.

      Discover a life where you’re in control of your choices, enjoying food without guilt or obsessive thoughts.

      It’s time to break free from the cycle of self-hate and start embracing your body. Experience the freedom to live the life you deserve, fully accepting and loving yourself in the present moment.

      Bonus Workshops

      movement & diet with petra bland fitness

      For many, losing weight is a big part of feeling body confident. But, it’s no wonder, with a constant bombardment of fad diets and everyone claiming to know the next “best thing”, it’s hard to know exactly what to do for the best.

      Hear from the best about the best ways to lose weight for good and how to create a sustainable fitness plan. 

      money mindset with fliss wallace financial

      As women, we often feel guilty for spending money on ourselves, especially on self-care. I hear you, I used to be there too. That’s why I have enlisted my own financial adviser and money mindset coach to give you the same invaluable knowledge she gave me. 

      Finally unlock your negative money stories and have a plan for your financial future. 

      confidence in menopause

      Are you perimenopausal or menopausal and are struggling with low energy? Sudden weight gain? Low mood?

      Hear from Women’s Health Doctor, Dr Heidi Kerr on the best ways to cope and how to improve symptoms, for a more confident you during menopause.

      Ready for transformational change?

      Invest in yourself today

      GODDESS 1:1 Programme

      6 months of self-care and self-love, empowering you to transform your mindset and your self-worth.

      Are you ready to rediscover yourself?



      Payment Plan Available

      "I just wanted to say thank you for everything Jessie. You've opened my eyes as to what's possible, not only with how I look after myself but also with how I see myself internally"


      "I recommend being coached by Jessie because having someone who can take an unbiased look at you and your thoughts is an eye-opening experience."


      "I can recommend Jessie with 100% confidence - she's really helping me get my mojo back!"


      Let’s chat over a coffee…

      Frequently asked questions

      How long is the programme for? What if I need more time?

      The programme runs for 6 months, however if we feel you need more time, there is an option to purchase additional months of coaching, at a discounted rate.

      What if I cant make one week because of a holiday or prior commitment?

      No problem, we can just push back your call. You will still get your 6 monthly sessions.

      Can I have a bespoke package if I don't wan't something that is included?

      I am open to discussing bespoke packages. For example, if Reiki is something you really do not want to participate in then we can discuss an in-person massage instead or I can teach your partner simple moves they can perform on you to help you calm your nervous system.

      How is it delivered?

      The GODDESS programme is broken in to 6 chapters, each of those chapters includes a pre-recorded new prespective. After you have watched the recording for that month’s chapter, and implemented any teachings, we then meet up over Zoom.

      You are given a unique meeting link which you will use every time, to save you time and stress when setting up each week. Client’s find it more beneficial to download Zoom on their laptops, rather than their phones, this enables you to be able to see what I am showing you in more detail.

      How does distant Reiki work?

      Distant Reiki allows a practitioner to send healing to the recipient by creating a ‘bridge’ through which universal energy can flow. The practitioner channels this energy by focusing light and information on the recipient.

      If you have never experienced Reiki, I understand this may sound a bit “woo-woo.” However, speaking as a converted sceptic, given the chance, Reiki can be life-changing.