The Power of a Great Neckline

The Power of a Great Neckline

REDISCOVER YOU – Simple tweaks to elevate your look in order to elevate your life during the menopause. 

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The Power Of A Great Neckline

Picking the right neckline for your body type is one of the simplest and most cost-effective ways to elevate your look. It can make a huge difference to your overall outfit.


When we’re looking at someone else, our eye is naturally drawn to the neckline of an outfit first. So as you can imagine if there are areas in which you are self-conscious, then diverting the eye away from them, and focusing on your assets is preferable.


The correct neckline not only enhances your best features but when used correctly and strategically, it can change the perception of your body shape.


For example,  V-Necklines are great for us circles and ovals as they create length, making us appear taller and slimmer. It’s all about tricking the eye.


Let’s look into some other necklines and how they can help elevate your look…



Typical neckline for t-shirts, this neckline is best if you are looking to highlight your long neck & define your face. Great for those with wider shoulders, a long neck and a smaller chest.



Perfect for balancing a more narrow shoulder and a wider hip.



Great for showing off feminine features such as shoulders and décolletage. Perfect for drawing attention to arms.



This neckline is perfect for giving the illusion of curves, elongating the neck and softening square jaws. The sweetheart neckline is a great overall shape used to balance.



People with longer necks would look great in high-neck tops and turtlenecks because it frames the face while hiding the length. Similarly, a person with a longer face would find this style flattering.



Helps to add volume to a smaller chest. Best for those with longer necks as it helps to make neck appear shorter. Also gives balance for those with a larger head.



So if you want a simple way to elevate your look without breaking the bank, then we suggest taking the time to find out which necklines suit your body type.


If you’re struggling with knowing which necklines work best for your body type, or even with what body type you are…then our online programme, Rediscover Your Identity, is the solution for you!

How To Make Exercise Fun

How To Make Exercise Fun

REDISCOVER YOU – Simple tweaks to elevate your look in order to elevate your life.

 Get our free programme here!

How To Make Exercise Fun

When I say the word “gym”, what does that bring up for you? Dread? Fear of judgement? The vision of you having a hot flush mid way through a class and you’ve left your towel at home?


A client said to me recently, “I hate it but I’ve just joined the gym for a year”, how many times have you said that or something similar? We are so obsessed with losing weight that we will be fully prepared to be miserable in order to obtain it. How crazy is that!


Moving your body regularly is so important, but If losing weight is your number 1 goal, then you won’t get the results you want through exercise, not anytime soon anyway. Exercise because it makes you feel good. Exercise for your heart. Exercise for your mind, but do not exercise purely to change how your body looks. Honestly if you take the pressure off yourself, you’ll have a completely different experience, I promise you!


Movement doesn’t have to involve pounding it on the treadmill (unless you love that of course), it can be anything you want. Pick something you love and be prepared to be really bad at it if you have to.


Here are some ideas of alternative options;


1. Zumba

2. Dynamic Yoga

3. Hiking, or simply walking up some hills

4. Dancing in the kitchen

5. Jumping on your kid’s trampoline

6. Wild swimming

7. Paddle-boarding

8. Ride a bike

9. Aerial yoga

10. Boxing

11. Line-dancing

12. Join a team sport

13. Set up a TikTok account and make dance videos

14. Frisbee

15. Skipping with a rope

16. Water fight (probably wait for warmer weather for this one)

17. Hula Hooping

18. Slack-lining

19. Deep clean the house (then come to mine and do mine)

20. LARP (live-action role-playing)


Another great way to appreciate what movement can manipulate how we feel is, at the beginning of your activity, ask your brain to give one-word explaining how you feel. Then after your activity ask yourself the same question. Just wait and see the massive difference in your answers. That’s what you want to hold on to, that end result, that end feeling. 


I’d love to know if you have a weird and wonderful hobby that involves moving your body! And if not, let me know if I’ve given you an idea to try something new. Come follow us on social media and drop us a DM.